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mercoledì 17 agosto 2016

“Deadly Drugs”, the Far West of the Philippines

L'Aquila,  August 17 2016 - "Deadly Drugs" is a book of the photographer Ezra Acayan, an editorial photographer, based in the Philippines, which collects over 50 pictures, providing evidence of the bloody war against drugs in the Philippines, which caused more than 700 deaths in the last few months.
Since Rodrigo Duterte became the new president of the Philippines, due to a very strict crime fighting programme, at least 700 people were killed by police or by private citizens, who joined in self-organised police operations.
"We will not stop until the last drug lord, the last financier and the last pusher have surrendered or put behind bars. Or below the ground if they so wish", this is what President Duterte underlined during his latest convention.
Humanitarian organisations report a "systematic" violation of human rights, emphasising that most of the people killed were poor citizens and that many of them had nothing to do with drug trade.

According to the latest surveys, though, 80% of electors trusts this Philippine political outsider.
NurPhoto Agency, an international photographic press agency, which has always been sensitive to social issues, portraying the stories, the places and the events, able to involve the audience, to raise questions rather than suggesting answers, embraced the project of the photographer Ezra Acayan*, by launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter for the publication of the book "Deadly Drugs".
The book will contain over 50 high quality images, provided with captions, apart from an introduction of the author. It will be printed with a hard coated cover, format 25x20.
NurPhoto, which has always meant openness, sharing and participation, launched the crowdfunding campaign. Starting from today and until September 24 2016, you will have the chance to support the project on Kickstarter, the largest crowdfunding platform, obtaining in return a copy signed by the author.
Let's give voice to stories, in order to convey them and have them appreciated even by those who do not live them on their own skin.
*Ezra Acayan – an editorial photographer based in the Philippines, specialized in the coverage of natural disasters, social and political issues. He worked for several NGOs and companies. His photos appear regularly on international publications such as: TIME, National Geographic, The New York Times, Newsweek, The Guardian, The Wall Street Journal …
Kickstarter's Campaign:
Deadly Drugs:


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Il è un periodico telematico nato sul finire dell’Anno Duemila su iniziativa di Andrea Pietrarota, sociologo della comunicazione, public reporter e giornalista pubblicista, insignito dell’onorificenza del titolo di Cavaliere al merito della Repubblica Italiana.

Il magazine non ha fini di lucro e i contenuti vengono prodotti al di fuori delle tradizionali Industrie dell'Editoria o dell'Intrattenimento, coinvolgendo ogni settore della Società dell'Informazione, fino a giungere agli stessi utilizzatori di Internet, che così divengono contemporaneamente produttori e fruitori delle informazioni diffuse in Rete.

Da qui l’ambizione ad essere una piena espressione dell'Art. 21 della Costituzione Italiana.

Il oggi è un allegato della Testata Registrata iscritta al n. 1088 del Registro della Stampa del Tribunale di Lecce il 15/04/2011 (Direttore Responsabile: Andrea Pietrarota).

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